14 September 2018
부천필 제239회 정기연주회···해외 지휘자 피터 좀머러, 바이올리니스트 송지원
부천필하모닉오케스트라가 9월20일 오후 7시30분 부천시민회관 대공연장에서 제239회 정기연주회를 개최한다.

7 December 2017
Ji Won Song Performs Works by Schumann, Brahms and Sibelius
On Wednesday, Dec. 6, violinist Ji-Won Song accompanied by pianist Richard Fu, joined us in The Greene Space at WQXR to play works by Schumann, Brahms and Sibelius — just in time for Finland's 100th birthday.

6 November 2017
Isang Yun International Competition 1st prize, Seong-Yawng Park Special Prize Ji Won Song
First Korean to win the first prize in the violin division
지난 4일 경남 통영국제음악당에서 열린 2017 윤이상 국제 음악 콩쿠르에서 바이올리니스 송지원이 영예의 1위를 차지했다.

4 November 2017
Prizes Awarded at Korea’s 2017 IsangYun International Violin Competition [VIDEO]
25 year old South Korean violinist Ji Won Song has been awarded 1st prize at the 2017 IsangYun International Violin Competition

12 May 2016
Ji Won Song wins Leopold Mozart International Violin Competition
Ji Won Song (pictured, centre) has been named the winner of the 9th Leopold Mozart International Violin Competition following the final held in Augsburg, Germany in which three soloists each performed Mozart's Fifth Violin Concerto.